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Stay Wealthy Retirement Podcast

Oct 19, 2022

Today I’m sharing three retirement and tax planning updates for 2023.

Specifically, I’m sharing a summary of important changes to:

  • Social Security payments
  • Social Security taxation
  • Medicare Part B premiums 

I’m also sharing key highlights from the highly anticipated Secure Act 2.0 bill + when we might expect it...

Oct 11, 2022

Recent headlines suggest stocks could be flat (or negative!) for the next 10 years. 

The technical for this is "lost decade."

And these headlines have created more concern for investors who are already on edge.

So, what exactly does a lost decade mean for retirement savers?

How likely is it that we are going to...

Oct 4, 2022

Today I'm breaking down the current state of the markets and economy.

Specifically, I'm sharing:

  • Why markets are falling (and how we got here)
  • How things could get worse before they get better
  • Four (4) reasons for investors to be optimistic right now

If you're feeling worried or concerned and want to learn more about...